Blackwater Table Officials should have their level of competency signed off by Sensei John in their Blackwater Judo Licence. However before getting any Mat Official level signed off it is the candidates responsibility to ensure they are confident with some minimum requirements.
Novice Time Keeper – use of koka board and stop watches
Understand why a koka board looks like it does
How to use a stop watch functions eg start/stop/reset
Recognise hand signals that start or stop the time.
Recognise referees hand signals for
ippon | Waza-ari | yuko | koka | matte | osaekomi | toketa |
Understand what to do when a referee calls hajime or gives a hand signal for matte
Understand distinctions between ‘fight time’ and ‘osaekomi time’
Understand durations of
shiai | osaekomi | What score is awarded for each osaekomi duration | Be able to call TIME clearly |
Understand when to call TIME and when not to |
How to indicate to the referee the duration of a hold-down
Blackwater Club Time Keeper – use of electronic scoreboards
Recognition of Referees hand signals and how to indicate on score board, if necessary.
shido | chui | keikoku | Hansoku make | Sono mama | yoshi | hantei |
Duration of rest periods when competitor has consecutive bouts
Maximum duration of time out for injury
Options for additional time in the event of a draw
Action to take if electronic score board fails during a bout.
Action to take if stop watch fails during a bout
Novice Recorder (as a minimum Dan grades should have Novice TMK and Recorder skills)
Understand what should be found on a table as a minimum
Koka board | Electronic board | paper | Blue or red belts | |
Stop watch x 2 | charger | pens | White belts |
Understand the necessity of checking names of competitors and that they have been entered into the correct pools
Understand how to read a pool sheet so knows who is next up to compete, and how to fill in results clearly and accurately
Understand what points are awarded for and how they accumulate
ippon | Waza-ari | yuko | koka | Yusei gachi | hikiwake |
Blackwater Club Recorder
Be able to construct a pool sheet when presented with groups of 3, 4, 5 or 6 competitors
Should feel confident to work a table alongside a Novice TMK
Be able to read pool sheets to determine medal winners
Understand how penalties affect the points recorded on a pool sheet
Recognition of Referees hand signals and the effects on competitors scores of
shido | chui | keikoku | Hansoku make | Hantei |
Action to take if a competitor withdraws eg due to injury or disqualification
Understand what articles a competitor may request the table to look after eg inhaler, water bottle, jewellery, mobile phone
How to take care of any competitors who explain or expected to have any special needs (eg poor vision, poor hearing, asthma, diabetes etc)
Action to take if you disagree with a referees actions.
Should feel confident to deal with referees, competitors and spectators