The techniques of ‘Katame-no-Ura-Waza’ are as follows:
Osaekomi Waza
– Kesa-gatame countered by Ude-tori Kuzure Kesa-gatame
– Kata-gatame countered by Kaeshi Hon Kesa-gatame
– Kami Shiho-gatame countered by Gyaku-te Hadaka-jime
– Yoko Shiho-gatame countered by Ude-hishigi Ude-gatame
– Kuzure Kami Shiho-gatame countered by Ude-hishigi Juji-gatame
Shime Waza
– Kata Juji-jime countered by Ude-garami
– Hadaka- jime countered by Gyaku Te Seoi-otoshi to Juji-gatame
– Okuri Eri-jime countered by Ude Hishigi Teko-gatame
– Kata Ha-jime countered by Ude Tori Ushiro Kesa-gatame
– Gyaku Juji-jime countered by Ude-garami
Kansetsu Waza
– Ude-garami countered by Ude-garami
– Ude Hishigi Juji-gatame countered by Kaeri Oki osaekomi (Kesa-gatame)
– Ude Hishigi Ude-gatame countered by Oshi Taoshi Kesa-gatame
– Ude Hishigi Hiza-gatame countered by Ude Hishigi Hiza-gatame
– Ashi-garami countered by Tate Shiho-gatame
1. The first osaekomi has two more alternative ura-waza. Ude Tori Kuzure Kesa-gatame
may be replaced by either Ude Hishigi Juji-gatame or Hidari Kata Sumi-ho.
2. The third osaekomi has one more alternative ura-waza. Kami Shiho-gatame may be followed up also by Kata Juji-jime instead of Gyaku-te Hadaka-jime.
3. In the second shimewaza the ura-waza consists of two successive techniques, namely Gyaku Te Seoi-otoshi followed-up by Juji-gatame – both being performed to the left (hidari) side.
4. The fourth shimewaza has one more alternative ura-waza as Kata Ha-jime may be followed up by either Ude-tori Makikomi Ushiro Kesa-gatame or Ude-tori Kuzure Kesa-gatame.