Goshin-jutsu Kata

set 1 – Unarmed attacks – by holding close in
from front
1Ryote doriholding both wrists
2Hidari eri dorileft lapel grip
3Migi eri doriright lapel grip
from rear  
4Kata ude dorigripping right arm
5Ushiro eri dorigripping the collar
6Ushiro jimerear choke
7Kakae doribear hug
set 2 – Unarmed attack from a distance
1Naname uchislanting strike to eyes
2Ago tsukiuppercut
3Ganmen uchipunch to throat
4Mae gerifront kick to groin
5Yoko geriside kick
set 3 – Armed Attacks
Against knife attack
1Tsukkakeattempted strike, tori pre-empts
2Choku tsukilunges, tori parries
3Naname tsuki downward, tori parries
Against stick attack
1Firu ageuke raises stick to strike down
2Furi oroshihorizontal swing to head
3Morote tsukidouble handed straight thrust
 Against pistol attack 
1Shomen zukepistol to stomach
2Koshi gamaepistol more to the side
3Haimen zukepistol is in the small of the back


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