Dragons Judo Competition 12-12-10

Congratulations to all students of the Blackwater Judo Club (Maldon) that took part in a very well organised competition at the John Orwell Sports Centre, Docklands on Sunday 12th December 2010.

Results are:

LUKE VINCENT                              SILVER
STEVEN MAWDSLEY                    SILVER
LAURA SMITH                                SILVER
NICOLE PRETOR                             SILVER
MARIANNE PRETOR                    SILVER
AARON SMITH                                SILVER
TOM MAWDSLEY                           BRONZE
FRAISER VINCENT                       BRONZE
BENJAMIN SONGER                     BRONZE
JORDAN HEWES                             BRONZE
FRANKIE ASH                                 BRONZE
JAK HULL                                         BRONZE
HARRY WATKIN                           BRONZE
A big thank you to all the volunteers and parents that did come along to support the children as this is crucial for their confidence building.